I’ve managed to mishandle a couple of pieces of equipment such that a ball valve and male polysulphone quick connect have hit the floor and the exposed end of the plastic connect has broken off. These were thread taped, and with very little exposed I’ve had no luck getting the remaining plastic out of the valve. Has anyone else managed to do this and successfully remove it?
I’d say an Easy Out but thats probably not necessary.
Jam anything you can find into the plastic and turn to the left.
It should come out with little effort, you just need whatever you stick in there to jam up inside the pipe. A piece of wood should work.
Glad to see I am not the only one to do this ::) I had a 1/2" (???) wood chisel that was a little beaten up and not used on wood anymore. Anywho, It was the right size that it bit into the sides of the threaded piece that was still in the ball valve. I was then able to simply unthread the borken piece.
In addition to the previous suggestions, you might take a soldering iron and melt opposing grooves in the broken plastic fitting. That might get you some extra “Bite” for what ever you can jamb down the 2 grooves created.