i had a quick question about storing beer. i am going to be moving pretty soon and will have to get rid of my beer fridge. so i need to know if there is a way to store beer that was once refrigerated. i will need to store these in a storage room. is there any correct way to do this without the pesky dangers of my gorgeous beers (ex. my dogfish 120 ipa) going bad. any help on this would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.
Keep them as cold as you can. Storing them on a concrete slab keeps them cooler in a warm room than if they are on a shelf. That’s pretty much it, warmer beers oxidize and age faster than colder beers, so the more you can do to mitigate that the better.
As Tom has indicated colder is better. I like to refrigerate most of beer. A cellar is also a good second choice. The floor will be coldest and 55F or colder is ideal.
By “storage room” do you mean one of those commercial “U-Store-It” places?
If so, try to find a climate-controlled one (i.e., air-conditioned) and pick a ground floor (or basement, if there is such a thing in your area) and internal room if possible.
Stop storing beer cold and store it in a slightly below room temperature, dry place, like a basement shelf or room conditioned to 67 degrees. Do you refrigerate the beer you make? I don’t. I store it in my air conditioned attic in boxes until I want to drink it.
Storing beer cool as opposed to room temp will prolong the life of the beer. I recommend storing beer at cellar temps (<55F) in an effort to mitigate the staling effects (oxidation process). It’s one of the best things you can do for your beer. The warmer the beer the faster the oxidation process.
If you have no way of storing your beer cool or cold then drink it fast.
+1 on the climate controlled storage. Moving and losing the fridge? What about when you get there? More info please? If it is for a short period I wouldn’t worry about it.