I thought I would check in with the community to see how your weekend was! Personally I didn’t get to brew but I did get my new 20 gallon Blichman Boilmaker and got the base structure for my new compost bin built. All in all not to shabby ;D
I spent Saturday canoeing with my wife and yesterday went for a long hike/trail run with my son in the mountains behind my house. Saw a timber rattler in the trail as big around as my forearm. Had to yank my son back by his shirt before he stepped on it.
Saturday I went fishing and caught my limit (5) of rainbow trout between 2-3 lbs. in size a piece. I filleted them up and smoked them over alder Sunday.
Besides smoking fish and yard work Sunday, I did jumper Bohemian Pilsner and Belgian Blond to fresh kegs to get them off the settled yeast. I am taking those two kegs to a conference I am attending this week. My company hosts a hospitality suite, and I am bringing the beer. I will educate the masses on how you can have virtually the same grain and hop bills, yet end up with two totally different beers because of the yeast.
Was in Bend OR with friends. Hit several of the new places.
Toured Deschutes production brewery. Our friends were able to schedulelargest ur at Ale Apothecary, which was out standing. We saw the largest and smallest in Bend.
Grilled steaks with friends Friday night and opened a bottle of Boulevard Smokestack Series 2012 Saison with Brett that I’d been cellaring for a year or so. I won that bottle at a raffle during the FOAM homebrew contest in OK. It was pretty good, very dry and effervescent with a restrained fruitiness and just a hint of barnyard, no cherry. Guess I may have drank it before its time but oh well, six of us got to taste it.
Saturday I brewed a basic blond ale, fermenting with San Fran lager yeast at around 60F. This is going to be a strawberry blond I’m putting in a homebrew contest we are sponsoring, a crowd-judged kind of thing thats happening as part of a festival in June.
Sunday I bottled 5gal of Dornfelder wine. First time I’ve worked with these grapes, got them from my friend who has a vineyard. I made this wine in a dry red style, ran malolactic fermentation and aged two months in a new American oak barrel. It was a little tart but I really think this is going to be a good one.
Saturday our club did it’s first garage crawl. Visited 3 members homes and their brew set ups. When you only know people from the meetings, it’s interesting to see what they are actually brewing on and where they do it.
Took my husband along. He now knows I am not obsessively acquiring brew stuff. The brew set ups ranged from…weep oh you professional brewers to… not that elaborate, but all brew sheds were unique and I’d happily take any one of them. They ranged from a brewery outfitted attached garage to a stand alone building with full kitchen facilities and a lovely porch to last but not least a hand hewn rustic log cabin with wood cook stove and covered porch. Kind of makes my pop up awning in the driveway pale by comparison. Going to have to talk to the DH about getting his stuff out of the garage…NOT!
Sunday required a trip to Home Depot to order a new freezer for lagering/conditioning. The old one has crapped out. They had a “best buy” special on a 14.8cuft model which is perfect and an addl 10% off.
So $350 got me a brand new one delivered, old one dealt with and no temp worries for a while. Time to get some serious brewing going on.
Got a chance to finally brew a Quad, helped a neighbor bottle her first batch of beer where all the water was actually birch sap and got some of the brewery straightened up.
Strung up my hops which are finally starting to grow after this miserable cold spring weather.
Capped off the weekend chowing down some tasty pulled pork and baby backs!
It was a major beer weekend for me. On Saturday, our club filled a 15 gallon rye whiskey barrel with a russian imperial stout and I filled my 15 gallon rye whiskey barrel with a belgian dark strong. Sunday I brewed three beers. A farmhouse ale w/ rye using The Yeast Bay’s Wallonian Farmhouse yeast, a farmhouse/saison type beer using Yeast Bay’s Funktown Pale Ale yeast, and a northwest style pale ale packed with Summit and Cascade hops and WYeast westcoast IPA yeast. Trying to fill my keezer with some lighter summer beers. Plus, starting tonight I will be helping teach a homebrew class at the local brewery.
We had our housewarming party over the weekend with the brand new basement bar.
20 people blew through 3 full kegs and nearly finished 2 other kegs. I also no longer feel crazy for wanting to brew 12-14 kegs for a 150 person wedding. 8)
Cleaned and sanitized 5 kegs on Saturday and got the brewery ready for brewing. On Sunday I brewed 10 gallons of Oktoberfest (actually 5 will become Vienna Lager), cleaned out the lagering fridge and kegged my latest IIPA and Double Bastard clone.
I did get around to cleaning the lines in the kegerator or bottling 2 beers that need it (McChouffe clone and Belgian Double Bastard).
Wow, I’m jealous!! I love trout fishing. Here in MN there aren’t too many opportunities. We do have a few spots but they’re all stocked and just not very big.
I built a cold frame which turned out really well. I kept finding exactly what I needed - for instance I needed to cut some boards to 33 1/8 inches, and I found 3 that were exactly the right size. Weird. I also bottled up two batches of Scottish 70 and spent some quality time with the kids. Good times.