hydraulic help

I work in a machine shop that has a lot of cnc machines that we do not utilize fully. We are always looking for new ideas for items to manufacture. We are also interested in hiring a person with mechanical engineering training or skills in hydraulic system design. There was a company in Alabama that built water well drilling rigs for many years. When the founder passed away recently, his daughters were wealthy and simply shut the doors of the business. Among the rigs they built was one called M-60. Here is a link. http://www.deeprock.com/ We would like to copy this rig but need a consultant to help with hydraulic layout and plumbing. Anyone interested can pm me. Also any ideas for any brew related equipment we could make would be much appreciated. Years ago, before I got into brewing, a guy had me make a stainless steel fitting to allow an aquarium heater to be installed through the side of a cooler. At the time I thought it was an odd request. Obviously, this guy was way ahead of the times. Anyway, ideas like that are what we are looking for. This is my first post here. I usually am on NB’s forum but they don’t allow off topic posts so here I am. Anyway, howdy everyone and thanks for taking time to read this.