Today the base ferment for a solera pull and migrate to lambic sour the solera thing…
It was briess pilsner and a couple handfuls of acidmalt and some 4 yr. old strisselspalt
hops…man the whole house smells like CHEESE. :o
I was impressed with the fact that those hops sat out in a brown paper bag
in the heat and cold for several summers and winters. Then they still had
flavor and aroma components, it is just that those components have changed
into something unexpected…
awesome. i have some hops i’m aging and i think i’m about there. they are from 2008.
whoda thunk? Hops get cheesy…
like blue cheese?
Naw more like cheddar
Must be the oils going rancid then…
Not a scientist but since milk has little odor, cheese must get odor from added biology. Maybe you are smelling some little visitors
some of the science
I think with lambics this is an accepted and utilized practice…
I have a beer with cheesy hops fermenting …its going into the
solera after the next harvest…along with some new bugs
I have yet to use aged hops in my lambic solera but I’m thinking some of the two pounds of Belma hops I bought would be a good candidate for aging. Not that I dislike them but I have so much of them compared to how quickly they are getting used.