I absolutely hate the US Postal Service. The last two issues of Zymurgy in the print version were totally destroyed. One was missing the back cover. The last issue, pages were bent, the cover was torn, and it looks like someone tried to stab it to death. I am old school and prefer print over online. I like to read in bed and after working all day I don’t want to look at a screen again. I have talked to my carrier and she just shrugged her shoulders.
I sympathize: we’ve gotten stuff clearly marked “Do Not Bend” folded in half to fit in our mailbox.
It drives me so damn crazy that no one seems to care anywhere anymore. I guess it is just the way things are now. And no one has any fear of poor performance reviews. For instance, I had a very important insurance document arriving at my home. It was registered mail. It “arrived” today. Well, at least the undelivery notice did. I was sitting in the window and the Postal worker saw me and did not get out of her vehicle. She left the “undeliverable” notice in my box.
My carrier leaves packages that are too big to fit in the box on top of my mailbox rather than bringing them to my porch. It makes the porch pirates job so much easier. They don’t have to get out of their car. Just drive up and take my stuff. Thanks USPS.
Now that just sucks!
Sorry to hear about your magazine! If you reach out to our membership team at info@brewersassociation.org, we’ll send you new copies in an envelope to
(hopefully) preserve them enough in transit.
Oh goodnes that would be wonderful. I will do that today. Thank You Kara
Good news Kara! With your wonderful help (and patience on my part) both issues of Zymurgy showed up this morning unscathed and ready for my fingerprints to stain the pages. No beer with drip on the pages, not to protect the pages as such, but to avoid alcohol abuse. Thank you again so much for helping out with this. I am so happy right now!
When it comes to member services, Kara and the Membership team have made my membership so enjoyable. Thank you al… Now to go relax and enjoy a homebrew!
I’m so happy to hear the magazines came undamaged! Thank you so much for being a member!
Well if it wasn’t for the AHA. I probably would not have stuck with the hobby. I am learing so much every day.
This happened to me a few years ago. I contacted the AHA the same day by phone. They sent me a new copy of that issue, no questions asked. Excellent service on the AHA’s part.
I’ll defend the USPS a little bit here. I think it’s one of the U.S.'s great institutions. I can pop a stamp on an envelope addressed to someone on the other side of the country and there’s a really good chance it will get there. (Ever notice how credit card bills never seem to get lost in the mail?)
That being said, the USPS moves millions or billions of pieces of mail each year, and some of them are bound to get lost, misdirected, or shredded. I just had a delivery for a magazine that has a paper wrapper (National Geographic) where the wrapper showed up but the edge was torn and the magazine was nowhere to be found.
Still, when it’s your mail that the USPS has messed up, it’s frustrating. Like any humongous organization, some of its employees are, well, less than ideal when it comes to caring about their jobs. There are some great people we’ve had, too.
As for the carrier not leaving items on the front porch, I’d report that to the local postmaster and ask that the items be left on the porch. You shouldn’t have to ask, but sometimes ya gotta.
Nice to hear that AHA takes care of the damaged issues so easily.