what beer that the opposite sex (or any prospective partner) was drinking (product, brand, style or anything) would make you walk away from them you even though you had just met and had been having a good time?
i was thinking today, what if i meet some girl at a bar and she knowingly orders a particularly hazy IPA?
lool, yeah not judging about NEIPAs, just my personal tastes.
white claw or hard seltzers - yes, i understand but where i am and in my age group easily every single woman i encounter drinks those as a default unless they are drinking wine or something. i hate them though.
what hops/IPA style is that? cluster or… ? simcoe and stuff?
and yeah, practically i agree about not caring about the drink… lol just a thought experiment.
also dirty martinis, had one girl insist we get them once on a second date. some of the vilest, stupidest drinks to ever exist. why??
My wife of 46 years does not drink beer of any kind unless she is kind enough to taste my homebrew, but when I first met her I was smitten by a comment she made while holding her scotch glass: “there’s no alcohol on these ice cubes”
Turned out she’s a keeper
this, but also ultra top shelf (and wayyyy overvalued ie. “ultra premium vodka” or literal crazy price french champagne) stuff would be a red flag. not interested in poor financial management.
a coworker of mine described himself as “a coors light guy” (what a weird thing to say identifying a brand with your personality so strongly) and i think i will have a chance at converting or at least lighting a small fire in his mind and in other coworkers at upcoming christmas parties when i bring some beer around.
It just dawned on me, were you also on the Mr. Beer forum ?
On that forum I was Glebbie or Glebie.
I think some other members were also on the Mr. Beer forum.
My wife does not drink, and to be honest it has saved my butt more than once. LOL. So, with that said, I don’t think I would walk away from a lady no matter what she is drinking. But, I am an old married guy, so that has not been a concern for a lot of years. LOL.