I need to use up my hops.

Brew Day coming this weekend.

I have 8 oz of Amarillo- 9% AA
2 oz of Columbus- 14% AA
2 oz Medusa 5% AA
1 oz Warrior - 15% AA
3 ml YVH hop extract- 30ibu.

Can you guys suggest a hop schedule that will help me get that West Coast flavor and bitterness. More importantly since I only have 2 oz of Columbus, when should I add it?

Gracias Amigos.

Grain bill.
8 pounds California Select to row.
2 lb Superior pilzen.
1 pound Munich 20L
6oz Acid malt
5 gal.
Hoppy pale ale water profile.

I should be able to squeeze 1.062 OG maybe more out of that grain bill.

That’s a lot of hops.  Do you want to use all of them or mst of them.  I could help you design a sweet west coast beer using most of them and would be happy to throw out some ideas for another beer with the remainder.

I am unfamiliar with the hop extract.  is it for boil only or can it impart flavor and aroma?  How do you calculate IBUs with it?

Let me know I love this kind of stuff.

Thanks for the reply. Nobody seemed interested in this one at all.

OG 1.073

I went with the extract at 60 min.
Yakima Valley Hops website has AS info that I entered into Beersmith.
I got 29 IBU

I also used…
1oz Amarillo 20min
.5 oz Columbus 20 min.
1oz Medusa 10 min
1oz Amarillo whirlpool
.5 oz Columbus whirlpool

For a total of 79 IBU.

Dry hop.
1oz Amarillo
1oz Columbus
1oz Medusa.

It’s in the keg now getting carbed up.
It turned out pretty good.
Next time I will use more Columbus earlier for a little more bite.

I still have 5 oz of Amarillo to play with.
I was thinking of brewing Janets Brown ale with Amarillo and see what happens.

That sure sounds awesome!  I am also surprised no one seemed interested in helping on this post.  Give us some tasting notes when youre all kegged up and serving.


I have a follow up post.