Idaho miners

Hope this turns out well for the trapped souls…



Well that’s good. looks like they made it out okay.

+ten billionty.  at the time of my post, I had not heard of the exodus.

Man, you’d have to pay some incredibly serious cheese to head underground. Gives me the watery bowels just thinking about it.

I did it for 6 years Drew, It was good duty actually. Hard work…
They say it is safer than open pit surface mining…never did that, can only speculate.

I am WAY too claustrophobic to ever be able to do anything like that.

I have just the opposite of claustrophobia. Stick me in a phone booth, I’m fine, but put me in a big field, or on a beach at the ocean, and I freak.

and you live where???

This. I don’t know if I could ever get over the idea that there’s hundreds, let alone thousands of feet of solid material between me and the sky.

I appreciate the fact that there are folks who can do this (or due to their situation have to), but unuh, no way, no how.

I guess you won’t want to go cave diving then.  It’s kinda like that except you’re under water under rock.

Did anyone ever take you Snipe hunting as a child?

Yeah, that and the whole crappy lung situation will definitely keep me from engaging in one of the deadliest sports on the planet!

Seriously, I enjoy throwing myself out of airplanes, but that underground, underwater thing… nope, not going to happen.

In college the geology students took a field trip into the deepest uranium mine in the US, outside of Moab.  Until that trip most geology graduates from our school went to work in the mines, after the trip not a single one of us ever worked a day underground.  Our guide had been out of work for a year after a chunk of roof fell on him and crushed his hip.  It was either boiling hot or freezing cold, and we kept hitting our heads on the roof.  That 3 hour tour was more than enough for me.

I go every sprinr. Snipe season in Ohio is in May. I called Fish and Game when I moved to Idaho, to see if it was the same as Ohio. They Laughed at me. I’m thinking they must have thought that was a little early in the year. I’m still going in May, unless I’m told otherwise.

Why would you want to hunt one of these little creatures? they don’t look like they would have much meat on them at all

It’s just for sport.  You catch and release them.  Best time to get them is at night in the woods.  Just shine a flashlight into a bag and make clicking sounds with your tongue and they run right into the bag.  ;D

I would have never thought that Snipe hunting would actually be described in Wiki. Kind of ruins the sport.,  :cry: