Vote for Yellowhammer, please! We are currently winning but need all the help we can get! You can vote every day of you feel like it and from multiple computers/IP addresses.
I don’t feel like I’d be honest unless I’ve had it, so you’ll need to send me a case ;D
Already done Keith! Good luck!
Another vote for you, and another case that needs to be sent out
Early & often.
Done. Looks like your killing it.
Go get 'em Keith!
Done ! And I could be talked down to a 12-pack. ;) Looks like you’re killing it so far.
Crushing the competition! Voted and thirsty;)
He makes great beer. If he was within 500 miles I would make an annual supply run.
If you win, could you start shipping your beer to the Northeast? ;D
and to the rocky mountain region?
done. good luck brother!
Just voted again from another wifi hotspot. [emoji6]
Thanks guys! Cases being mailed out to all of you Monday. Will need your email addresses.
That’s great, thanks Keith! But won’t you also need our actual mailing addresses? …oh. >:(
Ping! one more
First I was like ;D then I was like :o and now i’m like