If You Could Meet Anybody, Whom Would It Be?

Another thread about airport security got me thinking about meeting people, and asking them what they were thinking when they…

If you could meet and talk with anyone, from any time, who is dead or alive, (of course they would be alive when you meet them), whom would it be?

I’ve thought about this a lot over the years and have decided I’d like to meet Benjamin Franklin.  What an amazing mind that worked on so many different levels.  I’d really like to get his take on the way things are now.

Nikola Tesla.
If he had money to go along with his knowledge he could have been king of the world.

Instead it is James Cameron.

I would like to meet Ben too. One of the most brilliant people of all time. I always dream about making a movie about him, cant believe it hasn’t been done yet.

Plus, he scored heavy with the babes.

Wow…good one.
For dead guys, I’d have to agree on Dr. Franklin… certainly a radical thinker for his time.  Thinker, philosopher, inventor, notorious ladies man, and someone who evidently enjoyed a nice ‘buzz’ as much as anyone.  He had it all.  ;D
Actually, most of the founding fathers would no doubt be interesting to meet and chat up.  I think Jefferson would be right up there with Franklin on my ‘dead guy’ list.  Of course I’d want a taste of his Monticello homebrew.

Also on the ‘dead guy’ list,  but going back a bit further,  I’d love to meet the one that the folklore  calls Jesus Christ…I’ve got a boatload of questions for that dude.

As far as people alive today, there’s a dozen people on that list.  But to narrow it down, and providing that there was a provision of guarantee for unfiltered answers,  I think I’d have a question or three for whoever it is that’s top guy in charge of “Area 51”…
I’m not a conspiracy buff, but I still have this nagging feeling that there could be  something they might not be telling us…


Neil Peart

After several seconds of thought, Joe Rogan.  :stuck_out_tongue:

With a tire iron hidden behind your back?

I’d pick Thomas Jefferson.

How many can we pick in this time warp?

Im gonna add Stanley Kubrick and also Ed Wood; at the same time and over a beer would be great.

Iggy Pop is one of my musical idols, though would have loved to meet Joe Strummer (too late for that).
Dr. Michio Kaku is a brilliant mind that I love to listen to talk (even though I only understand a fraction what he says)
I’d like to share a couple pints with Denny Conn
:o   :-[   :smiley:

Uh, not to fight, but to talk about expanding your mind, cunty people, etc.

Only 2 people fit in a delorean right? Flux capacitor takes up any extra room there might have been.
So you only get one… per trip.  :slight_smile:

Myself, thirty years ago.  :slight_smile:

I can carry 100 on my train - flux capacitor and all.

Do I get to bring my 12 gauge? Adolf in '34…

Richard Feynmann.

Abe Lincoln.


Currently alive…I wanna meet Weazletoe and Holly!

NOOO, that might cause a rift in the space time continuum. It could also set off a chain of events that may alter the future for the worst. Then from the future some one would have to go back before you got there to stop you. Good guys going back to stop the good guys.

Hmmm, may be a good idea for a movie, or at least a Twilight Zone episode. Could start out with a company that offers time travel tourism.

Oh man, my head hurts, Im gonna lay down now.

Where do I start… :slight_smile:

Jesus Christ
Issac Newton
Albert Einstein
Christopher Columbus
to name a few…

Adolf who?  That was a pretty common name back then in Germany.

I’d choose Bill Hicks.