I'm f***ing pissed at my own stupidity

I lost my domain name braukaiser.com b/c I didn’t renew in time. I was busy otherwise during the last few weeks and didn’t even think that this could happen.

Hence none of the e-mails you sent since 4/1 got to me. I only noticed this b/c e-mails in my outbox didn’t get sent.

I already registered braukaiser.org, but I may think about some other .com name instead.

The wiki and content is not lost, just all the old links to my site. At some point Google will catch up and a search for braukaiser should get you to the new location.

WTF!!! I really didn’t need this.


That sucks Kai, sorry to hear that.  Who the hell took braukaiser.com?  I think braukaiser.org has a nice ring to it.  Official like, you know  ;)

Man I’m really sorry to hear that.  I know it won’t make you feel any better, but welcome to my life.  This is an example of why people like us need secretaries.  Sticky notes and PDAs just don’t work like a human who can say, “Hey! This needs taking care of would you like me to do it for you?”  (No I don’t have a secretary either, but it would be nice)  Btw, I hate the kind of folks who snatch domain names because they can.

Wow, that’s awful - I don’t know anything about these things, is there no recourse?  It takes a giant loser to do something like that, are they just hoping to sell it back to you?


Looking at the whois records for braukaiser.com I see that your name is still the registered contact, and the TTL (the time the DNS server takes between checking for updates) is just under 24 hours, obviously that time hasn’t passed yet so it’s possible someone else took over the domain. For what it’s worth you should be able to re-register the domain once that 24 hour period has passed. I’ll keep an eye on it today and if I see it switch over to ‘available’ I’ll ping you via DM.

I see the DNS host as being: RENEWYOURNAME.NET, which points to Tucows, and Tucows says your registered provider is http://www.registergo.com - have you tried logging in with them or contacting them?

Note that the actual content showing right now for your site is the default placeholder content for pretty much any DNS provider. They figure, why have a blank page show up when we can make money off ads, so I wouldn’t immediately assume that someone else has taken over your page.


Thanks. After the initial shock I’m realizing that I’m not as screwed as I thought I was. I’m currently trying to resolve the issue with my hosting provider. If someone was fishing for expired domains to make money, they’d have a link on the main page.


I think I’m all set now. :slight_smile:

I was able to log into my domain name account and renew the domain. I just happened to use the wrong password. The domain is renewed. But that should have thought me a lesson, especially since I started to use the braukaiser.com e-mail for important stuff too.


Glad it worked out 8) I know how stressful that sort of thing can be. It’s like backing up your computer - you don’t really think about it until it’s too late

Wow, glad to hear you got it back! There is only one Braukaiser, and he is you.

Wow…that was a close call. Bet you’ll never do that again.

Glad to see it all worked out for you Kai.  8)

phew, glad it worked out for you, Kai.  That would certainly be unfortunate to lose a domain name to someone fishing for expired domains.

Glad it worked out, Kai.  I was really concerned after getting your email this AM, but it sounds OK now.  My domain name is set to auto renew unless I tell them otherwise.  Can you do something like that?


When is www.braukaiser.xxx going to launch?

I was wondering why I couldn’t get in recently.
Thanks for hosting all of your information.

I changed the name servers and now it’s just a matter of time for the changes to propagate. In hindsight, this was not nearly as severe of an issue as I initially feared.


When I was doing gaming journalism, I would always make sure to renew my domain name early - even though I thought it was one nobody else would take.

Glad you got it figure out/got your domain back (You did, right?  That’s what I got from your last post).   8)

All of my domain names auto renew.  I am nowhere near organized enough to keep track of the different expiration dates.


Good point.

BTW, Braukaiser.com is now working again.


Thanks to the beer Gods.  8)