Impact of Mash hopping on mash pH

To what extent does mash hopping influence mash pH? Today I brewed an NEIPA, and using Bru’n water calculated an estimated mash pH of 3.5. I’ve been using Bru’n Water for years and it’s very accurate. So, either my water profile has changed some (municipal) and/or the hops (2oz in about 6 gallon mash) knocked my pH down to 5.15. If the hops acidify the wort, that’s fine, I can just account for that when doing the water prep next time. And I’m not overly worried about this batch being low.

My limited experience is they had no effect at all. FWIW, dry hopping actually raises pH.

My thought too, thus the question. After posing the question here, I went through my notes from previous mash-hopped batches to see those data. Some were a little higher, some a little lower, but all within 0.15 pH units. I’m thinking today’s batch most likely reflects a change in the water (surface-sourced). Regardless, the totality of the data don’t suggest a need to account for mash-hopping in my LA calculations.

There are acids in hops (e.g alpha acids) but there’s not enough acid or low enough ph to make a noticeable change in ph unless you’re using a ridiculously huge amount of hops.

Definitely agree it is far more likely a change due to the water source. Heavy rain, drought and changes in temperature can affect the reservoirs and the water authority may be treating the water in response.