One of the next beers I’m thinking about is an Imperial Red Ale of sorts. I was thinking of some of my go to malts such as Crystal 40 or 60, Crystal 120 or Special B for the recipe when I came across some talk about Caraaroma and Carared. I have never used them, I’m reading up on them and looking over the forum but how should I use these for the most part, say compared to Crystal malts? Carared says it can impart notes of caramel, honey and biscuit? Caraaroma says to impart notes of dried fruit, nuts and dark caramel. These characteristics sound pretty good and what I’m looking to add to the beer. I’m just looking to try some new malts and do something different than what I would normally would. Do they compare to or are versions of other malts out there by other maltsters or are they their own thing?
Of all the different crystal malts I have tried to produce an intensely red beer, Carared has produced the best red.
That sounds like a great combo for imperial red. I really like carared and am starting to experiment with caraaroma
To me that malt ( carared) imparts sweet toffee flavors. Not my favorite flavor in Irish Red, American Amber’s it’s alright. Crystal 80, 120 and UK roasted barley are the only specialty malts in my reds.
No experience with Cara aroma.
I’d like to brew a similar beer with carared and cara aroma soon. Sounds great.
Yup it’s straight toffee.
Weyerman CaraRed is close to Briess C-20 and CaraAroma is close to Baird’s dark crystal if that helps you.
I like CaraAroma in anything I’ve used it in.