Going to try G03 Dieter this weekend. From the description, it sounds like this is closer to WLP029 vs WY2565. The employee at the LHBS thought the same but also didn’t seem like he knew. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Dieter is a clean, crisp, traditional German Kölsch strain. A very low ester profile makes this strain perfect for Kölsch, Alt and other light colored delicate beers. Dieter has better flocculation characteristics than most Kölsch strains which allows brewers to produce clean, bright beers in a shorter amount of time.
Temp: 60-69F, 16-20C // Flocculation: Medium // Attenuation: 73-77%
Never used it, but the description and flocculation rating seem much more like 029 than 2565 which (being powdery) definitely doesn’t show medium flocculation. I’ve heard good things about the Imperial - Denny said it was started by a couple guys from Wyeast. I’m planning to use one of their saison strains soon. Go for it!
I just wish it was easier to get their full selection. MoreBeer carries a small selection, seven bridges carries some too, but between the two I’m still missing strains. Maybe they should sell direct with reasonable shipping rates while they build their brand.