importance of volume of beer for competition

I filled 2 bottles from the keg and had quite a hard time. They both came up short of 12 oz once the foam subsided after capping. I let them overflow in attempt to get rid of foam but had little luck. Will having less than 12 oz in each bottle effect my entry for a competition?

Most comps that I’ve entered list a minimum of 10 oz.

It won’t matter in the slightest unless you get really crummy judges.  FWIW, I short fill all my bottles to about 10.5 oz because my bottling wand leaves that much space.  It just doesn’t matter.  Some judges care, but if they do then they’re idiots.

Dave Taylor
Certified #A0511

Ok cool. The beer level sits right about at the base of the neck. Normally my bottled beers are about halfway up the neck. I hope it is sufficiently carbonated…

Judges shouldn’t care about the amount of beer in the bottle and it certainly should not effect the scoring.

The volume should not matter at all.  However, if you fill a bottle and there is a lot of foaming and the volume is low, I would be a little concerned about carbonation level possibly.  The “Fill” itself should not be an issue, but if there are other issues as a result of the filling - like oxidation or low carb - that would have the potential to impact it.

Indeed. Low fill, high fill, rusty cap, old label glue, etc are not an indicator of the beer inside.

But if the beer inside the bottle is flat, infected, or has some other defect… Then sure it won’t do so well.