Increasing fermentation temperature

This is my first brew.  In the Yeast book, the authors describe increasing the temperature of the fermentation in the last 1/3 of the fermentation by 2-5 degrees in order to help the yeast remain active as they clean up various fermentation by-products that need to go away.

What I am unclear on is how this relates to the recommended fermentation temperature range.  The yeast I used (Wyeast 1450 - Denny’s Favorite) has a suggested fermentation temperature range of 60*-70*.  Does that mean I can go as high as 75*, or does the increase need to be contained within the 60*-70* range?


2-5 degrees above the temperature you fermented at.  so if you fermented at say 62 (a good temp for 1450) once you’re nearing completion of fermentation, raise your temp to 64-67.

Thank you.  You’re kind of handy today!

I have to say, this post really shows how far home brewing has come from an information available standpoint.  I think I got my information prior to my first brew off the side of the box (kidding, I read Palmer’s Vol. 1 before my first brew).  But still, kudos to you for filling your head with so much great available information before taking the plunge.  You are far less likely than most of us to have to suffer through your first batch (not that mine wasn’t caramelly sweet and delicious.  :-X

You are on the right track!

If the goal is to finish out fermentation and post-fermentation conditioning, there’s really no such thing as going too warm, as long as you stay below the temperature range that’s potentially harmful for the yeast (>100°F). All my beers, including lagers, spend a few days at 72°F.