Anybody ever experienced chewing this stuff? Don’t worry admins, it isn’t a drug. I’ll just say this for now, for me, it was an experience I’ll never forget or try again!
I was gonna ask you to elaborate. Then I googled it and changed my mind…ewwwwwww :o
And why…?
I had never heard of it, either, so I googled as well. We called it Jack-in-the-pulpit growing up, never heard any other name for it.
Background: Indian turnip was used by American Indians for stomach and bowel complaints
•Edgar Cayce regarded Indian turnip as a cathartic and astringent to the gastro-intestinal tract
I did not need anyone to elaborate on this…
My brother had one he got from a friend. Apparently he had the joke played on him and thought that it would be funny to pass it on. He told me Indians used it like Novocaine and told me to try chewing a slice for a few seconds.
So I did.
After chewing it for 10 seconds, it took a minute to kick in. It was like the sensation you get when your legs fall completely asleep then you try to walk; pins and needles, but times 10 and it lasted for 20 minutes.
Funny in retrospect, awful at the moment.
From Wikipedia:
History and folklore
One account from the Meskwaki Indians states that they would chop the herb’s corm and mix it with meat and leave the meat out for their enemies to find. The taste of the oxalate would not be detectable because of the flavored meat, but consuming the meat reportedly caused their enemies pain and death.
Alright, now I’m interested!
I assume this would work on racoons, deer, vermin in general??? 8)
According to the Wikipedia article the offensive ingredient is Calcium Oxalate. Isn’t that the same thing as beer stone?

The taste of the oxalate would not be detectable because of the flavored meat, but consuming the meat reportedly caused their enemies pain and death.
Remind me to punch my brother in the nose next time I see him! I experienced the pain, for sure. The death, not so much.