Ingredients storage

I will make now the order of my ingredients, and ill be cooking next weekend, can you please tell wich is the best way to keep them perfect till i use them?
The grain come already milled(i dont have the mill yet) at vacuum.
The hops are entire flower.
Thanks again!!!

Just keep the grain dry and sealed until use and refrigerate the yeast and freeze or refrigerate the hops and you should be good.

I like to vacuum seal my hops- whole hops especially. Specialty grain too. Everything goes into a chest freezer. I think the Foodsaver brand vac-sealer is the best.

Bulk grain goes into gallon freezer bags- they hold 5 pounds. Then my base grain is used in 5# increments for recipes. These can go into a paper bag, bucket, box… just as long as they stay dry and cool.