Interesting hop experiment on basic brewing podcast

I just listened to the 7–10–14 hopping technique experiment on basic brewing podcast and it was pretty interesting.  It was part two of the hopping experiment where the guys, in conjunction with bells brewing, did mash hopping, first wort hopping, and 60 minute hopping with everything else being equal.  They then did a blind taste test as well as calculated IBUs and measured IBUs.  Part two of the experiment was the exact same but they doubled the hops in all cases.  (Cascades).  Most of the tasters felt that the 60 minute and first wort hopped beers were very similar in bitterness and hop flavor (specifically, none of them felt that the FWH was any smoother), where the mash hopped beer was very mild and smooth.  The Lab measured IBUs showed that the highest was first wort hopping, followed closely by 60 minute hopping, with the mash hopped beers less than half of the other two.  The measured IBUs in all cases was also significantly lower than what have been calculated in the recipe (almost half).  On round two when they doubled the hops findings were similar.  Lots of interesting food for thought.  Of course as Denny always says though, personal experience and taste is most important.

That was a good one.  I enjoy those experiment shows.

This experiment was more fully discussed at the 2014 NHC apparently so there should be slides and audio on the AHA website.

That talk is in the list from 2014. You have to log in to the main AHA screen, different to the forum log in.

I loved this experiment… because it supports my own theory that there’s no real actual discernible difference between FWH and conventional.

My Conclusion: You can FWH if you want, it doesn’t really hurt.  On the other hand, it doesn’t necessarily help, either.  Six of one, half dozen the other.

I haven’t heard this one but thanks for the info. I love these kind of experiments too. Reminds me of the decoction debate that people have. Always good to get some info from people who have done some taste tests.

My results from a similar experiment in 2008…start on pg. 29…

Oh, the decoction experiment results are on pg. 25

Just read your entire presentation Denny, wish I would’ve read that along time ago when I just started brewing. Good write up and experiments. I think most of us are detail oriented and analytical thinkers, but I am realizing that you just have to brew what you like…Which is kind of hard for beginners because they/we don’t really know what ingredients makes the tastes that they like. That’s why these forms are so important. Thanks

Can’t wait to read it too Denny