Got the mandatory evacuation from the Outerbanks in NC, what a bummer.  I spent the past six months planning this trip and then BAM - mother nature cuts my time in half.  I am now sitting in my house in Maryland filling 6 gallon carboys with drinking water just in case and filling my old cooler style mash tun with ice incase power goes down.

Brewing - it can save your life…

Anyone else using brewing equipment to weather the storm?

Twice in the last 10 years been without power 6 days each (including no running water from my well) due the infamous SC ice storms.

Lived like a king due to brewing equipment.

Sorry about the vacation. :(  I’ll be near Wilmington next month, provided the oceanfront house we’ve rented is still there.

When we had a windstorm a few years ago that knocked out power for 4 or 5 days, it wasn’t bad.  The water worked, the gas worked, just now electricity.  So I could cook on the stove and take hot showers, but we had no heat.  Left to myself and after cleaning up the mess, I brewed. :)  If things had been tougher though, we still would have been fine with the beer/water/food/fuel stocks we keep on hand.

what do you call a one legged asian woman?


I filled up a couple of carboys with water just in case.

On the plus side, if the power goes down the beer should still stay nice and cold for a good while in the chest freezer.  :wink:

Got 3 corneys soaking now. 15 gallons of water seems reasonable, right?

I figure a few kegs of fresh, sanitary beer will get me through it, much like they did in colonial times.

True, but sadly in my case…  :cry:

Fill your bathtub with water.  If you have a water service outage you can use buckets of water from the tub to flush the toilet.

I would fill some extra buckets for washing dishes and showering. It’s amazing how clean you can get yourself with a five gallon bucket of water. What if water isn’t good to drink or use for longer than expected,. And there might be friends and neighbors that didn’t plan as well. You can go- here’s five gal for ya!