Irish Moss Mill

I just saw a post on another site regarding Irish Moss.  That person used a pepper mill to grind the IM finer.  That seems like a great idea and I’ll be following suit.  Right now, I just keep my IM in a little plastic baggie and dole it into a shot glass for rehydration.  I figure that I can get a cheap pepper or salt mill at a store and keep my IM in there and dole it out in a finer grind in the future.

interesting idea. i have never been consistent with using mine.  i have not noticed a difference in beer that i do and beer that i don’t. but this could add to the fun of brewing.

I’m supposed to rehydrate irish moss?

I have purchased Powdered Irish Moss over the years.  Don’t know if it worked better, but it is a fine powder.

Yes you should rehydrate it. Learned that from my friend who makes some of the best beer I have had the plesure to drink.  I say that because of all the attention to detail he has in his process, including rehydrating his Irish Moss.  Lots of little details can add up to better beer being brewed.

Martin, what would be the advantage to grinding it finer?

More surface area and better release of the carageenan.

OK, it makes sense that would happen.  I wonder how much more effective it actually makes it?

forgive my ignorance, but if you are grinding irish moss to get more surface area contact, why not just use a whirlfloc?  cheers!!