Its 4/22

Happy Birthday Earth Day.

Does that mean anything to you?

Its a paid holiday for me ;D and I was going to plant plum trees,
but it snowed last night
so I am brewing 8)

Today is my 15th Wedding Anniversary.  Better remember the date :slight_smile:

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day.

And I thought I had it good. :wink:

Happy Earth Day

I participated in the very first Earth Day when I was in high school.  I wanted the admin to let people out of class to pick up trash on the school grounds.  The admin said there wasn’t any trash, so I went from classroom to classroom “liberating” students and telling them to go out and pick up trash.  Then we all marched on the principal’s office and dumped all the trash in front of his door.  I got in a bit of trouble for that one…:wink:

Such a radical you are. ;)  I was in high school as well, the first earth day we decided to give up the bus and walk to school.  Since I lived in the middle of nowhere, it took a while to get there.

I’m going to have a bonfire, grill some whale on it, fill in some wetlands and do some strip mining in an endangered fluffy animal sanctuary

How old is the Earth now?  6001 years old?  ;D

When I was in college I wanted to start a foundation called “Friends of the Earth”. I wasn’t sure at all what kind of a foundation it would be but it would be a conservation society and it would be cool to found something like that. Then I found out there already was a foundation called “Friends of the Earth”… I was so pissed.

Bear in mind that “Strip Mining” is much more hazardous than its more innocuous cousin “Strip Poker”.  Participants would be well advised to place safety before modesty by making the protective hard hat the last item of clothing to remove.