It's Friday! I'm out! (And heading to happy hour!)

I’m heading down to Coopers Alehouse in Seattle.  Great tap selection and they just put Pliny The Elder on tap to boot!

Happy hour, here I come!  Anyone else in Seattle?  Come join me!  :slight_smile:

Wow PTE on tap.  Bastid!

Damn, that’s actually really close to my work . . . I’ll have to see how quickly I can get out of here.

We’ll be heading to the Rackhouse in Denver if anyone’s interested.

Yeah dude…I’ll meet you there…

I hate you all…I’m killing time til I go to work in about 3 hours.

Yes, well . . . uh . . . yes. :wink:

Ok, I’m going to bail and head to Cooper’s too.  Maybe I’ll run into Beer Monger there.

i thought you sold your business, you still work?

Pretty quickly!  Good to meet you!  :slight_smile:

Yeah.  I did sell the studio, but I’m still head audio engineer at a big performing arts center.

Just started my shift too. :frowning: Grand Opening for one of my co-workers that opened a bar tomorrow, though.
Tennysons tap by the old location for Elitch’s Gardens. Happy hour prices all day tomorrow. I’ll catch up

I missed happy hour, but the POW has live music if anyone wants to meet up with me there. ;D

Where is the POW? I might meet me you if it’s close by.

1323 Greene St, Silverton CO. I was joking, but if anyone actually comes up to Silverton the beer’s on me.

Had some Pliny & Lagunitas IPA with tschmidlin.  :-)  Now I’m home getting ready to have a Lagunitas Hop Stoopid.  :D.

Silverton is a great little town, but too far from me.

Good to meet you too Beer Monger.

I should pick a beer out . . .

I will as soon as the snow stops falling. I keed.
But really, them hills scare me when there’s snow.