Its Fun hitting the numbers

My weekend brew session came together nicely and I really enjoy seeing that happen

All the materials, all the math, all the ingredients… :stuck_out_tongue:

American Farmhouse Ale!


Makes it much more enjoyable!

It would look pretty in that crystal next to it.

While eating off the 3 stooges plate.

Agree… a good feeling to hit the numbers - it may happen to me sometime :wink:

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk

I love a good vertical one hydro shot.

Your farmhouse is especially refined,
hitting your numbers and all. ;D

Good work…get your hay cut yet?

I love the idea of an 'merican farmhouse ale.


Hitting all the numbers makes up for a rainy brewday anyday ;D Today its was thunderstorms w/lightning and yet it all worked out :wink:

Pinnah got the hay up and back to irrigating. Been a week and a half now…How bout your harvest?

Uthristy…NICE…thunderstorms and all…

Yep it makes you feel like you know what you are doing when you get everything right! ;D

It is fun to hit the numbers.  I haven’t been hitting my mash temps very well lately…always seem to be a few degrees higher than I want.  Ya think I’d have that figured out by now.  I am usually right around what I’m expecting for OG’s though, which is nice.  But FG’s I’ve been attenuating more than I expect.  Oh wells.

I failed to hit my numbers…only 69 bales on 3 acres.
But it is still fun, stacking against the winter, even if your ingredients don’t add up to what you wished. :wink:

Cheers to the American Farmhouse.

Whats with that number?? That is how many bales I got as well…weirdness.  I got a hint about it tho…
spend some coin on fertilizer…like the guy down the way…the mower could barely cut thru it bc it was so thick.