It's so hot...

It’s so hot that I’m drinking water.  :o

i thought about it and then we had a thunderstorm.  dropped the temperature just in time…

It was in the 90s over the weekend…but that’s no excuse to only drink water!  I drank beer like a fish this weekend.

I was hot here too…not to mention smoky from the forest fires in Quebec ( I’m in Southern NH ), and I still drank beer and brewed too.

Remember…water is a big ingredient in beer :slight_smile:

Hot??  Its barely 55 here and I’m getting soaked brewing up a dunkelweizen for my wife’s birthday!

Haven’t seen any smoke from the forest fires, its been too cloudy, but I expect we will soon - I’m to the southeast of all that.

Hot huh? Well, my apartment got so hot that the saison and wit samples I took for grav measurements were at 82 degrees… aha, yeah. And the fermentation has been over for about a week.

Add some bugs to that saison and see what happens!

Fish don’t drink beer, so you drank none? I know what you meant but it’s not what you said.  :wink:

Well fine then.  What I should’ve said was, “I drank beer like a fish drinks water, all weekend.”


Wait, do fish drink water or just sorta absorb it through their skin…?

Worse than that, they swim in their own toilet

“I never drink water.  Fish do unspeakable things in it!”

– W.C. Fields

Wait, so you’re saying that swimming in toilets is bad? Crap, I better cancel my vacation to Back River Neck.

do fish get drunk when they drink water?
do they have a problem with oxidation?
have you ever caught a fish using beer for bait?
have you ever caught a fish while just using beer?  yes i think i have.  so, next time it is hot.  go fishing and drink a beer.  that will be fewer fish crapping in their toilet and ruining my water for the next time i brew.

Can fish get seasick?

Why not? People get airsick.

I just got back from Doha, Qatar where it was around 110 F with about 60 percent humidity.  Hot and sticky.

Quick! Somebody get this man a beer!

My pilsner should be ready to tap real soon. It’s yeller beer season.

since your pilsner is aged a little  would it now be “ole yeller” beer season? either way now i am thirsty and i am stuck at work