Jasmine Rice in a beer?

I am thinking of making a “Thai/Asian”-style saison paired with some traditional Thai spices.  I was thinking rather than just using sugar as a fermentable possibly using some jasmine rice.  I obviously would incorporate this with a cereal mash.  Just curious if anyone has used jasmine rice in a beer or at the very least used it in cooking?  I have limited experience with jasmine rice, in general, and I am just curious as to what I should expect (if anything)? Thanks.

Its pretty standard rice. I wouldn’t expect any flavor at all from it. But it will provide the fermentables you’re talking about.

I love jasmine rice in cooking, but I don’t think the flavors would stand up in a beer. If you want to include rice for the novelty, and to keep with the Asian theme, it isn’t going to hurt, I just don’t think that flavor will make it into the finished beer. The Bruery makes a “Thai-inspired” Tripel called Trade Winds Tripel made with lime leaves and lemongrass, and that is very tasty. If I wanted to do a Thai type beer, I would go in that direction.

Thanks.  Just mainly doing it for novelty and continuing the theme.  Didn’t think much would come thru in the finished beer.  But, might be nice for a subtle effect?

I have done a clone of the Trade Wind Tripel based on Patrick Rue’s recipe given a while back on the BN.  I believe it was flaked rice and thai basil flowers and leaves.  I don’t believe there were lime leaves and lemongrass in the beer?  But, maybe the recipe has changed recently, although their website says otherwise?  Trying to expand on the original concept and incorporate some new flavors/ideas.

Thanks again guys for responding and your help

You are correct, The Bruery uses Thai basil. I had another beer with lime leaves and lemongrass… must have confused the 2. Now I need to figure out which beer that was. It was very tasty, subtle citrusyness, but different from hop citrus notes.

I use lime leaves in my Belgian white and I find they go very well with that style of beer, I really like the subtlety of citrus they add. I tried jasmine in a beer (not the rice) and had to use a lot and the flavor was rather subdued - wasn’t sure I really loved it in the style I used but it is something I plan to return to again at some point.

Thought about using regular jasmine, but not a real fan of jasmine tea…

I am planning on incorporating some thai basil, ginger, and kaffir lime leaves, however.

May have to look into lemongrass vs. corriander?

Jasmine rice does not have any jasmine in it. it is an aromatic rice, like basmati, that has a very subtle jasmine like aroma. I don’t think any of that would come through in the beer. it barely comes through in the cooked rice.

as others have said you should go for it so that you can put ‘Brewed with Jasmine Rice’ on the label but don’t expect any flavour contribution. Rice in beer is really just a gravity booster with no flavour body contribution.

thai inspired beer is a nice idea though. maybe try to work some coconut in there.

I was thinking of working the “coconut” angle in there with some palm sugar.  It is kind of my go to sugar in pale Belgian beers, I feel like it adds a little mouthfell and complexity to overall beer. :smiley:

look for coconut sugar. I used some in a big belgian and it has a nice hint of coconut.

Thanks for the tip Morticaixavier!  I will check it out.

Might try to cover the lemongrass angle with Comet hops lately?  Never used them, but Nebraska Brewing Company made a pilot hoppy wheat with these hops and they have a unique “wild” tangerine and lemongrass quality to them.