Hi folks-
I wanted to pass on a request for help for my good friend Jim Stoccardo. He’s a Seattle area homebrewer-turned-pro, running a really nice little brewery called Outer Planet on Capitol Hill in Seattle. Jim has been a great friend to the homebrewers in our area, supporting the competitions and providing beers for judging classes, etc. He’s also still a member of my homebrew club and he still manages to come to many of the meetings.
About a year ago, Jim had to go in for triple bypass surgery. Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago, it was determined that his body was rejecting the stents, so he was back in to get that fixed. The costs are very steep (and given that his Nano brewery isn’t exactly bursting at the seams with cash), and Jim could use some help.
Anything you can do to help a great guy and friend to the Seattle area homebrewing community would be greatly appreciated.