Jockey Box rental?

Anyone out there know of a place that might rent dual tap jockey boxes? I need one for a weekend and think it might be a bit crazy to build one that might get used once a year. Looking for one in the NJ/NY area.

Check with your LHBS

I always borrow from my homebrew club… LHBS sounds like a good place to try for… Maybe even some local breweries (they may have them for fests and what not… but might not be willing to let someone else use it… and they may be set up for Sankey)

Yeah, I almost said a brewery, but they will almost certainly be setup for Sankey. Large chain liquor stores sometimes have them too.

I know in Chicago some of the distributors rent them out, try them

LHBS isn’t much help. They didn’t know of any and I tried a distributor near me. They want me to buy a keg from them in order to borrow or ‘rent’ a jockey box. I’m kinda stubborn and won’t do it. I would rather spend the money and build my own. Thanks for all the suggestions though. Any one have pro’s and cons of a cold plate? Do they really freeze up a lot?

Cold plates should only freeze if you use dry ice. Regular ice will be fine. They take a little while to come pre-chill and are heavy. Other than that they are awesome.