Johnson digital temp controller

My temp controller has an “OF5” setting.  What the heck is that for?  That little tidbit isn’t included in the instruction sheet.  Any ideas?

What model controller do you have?

I have the A419 and it has an OFS setting which is a temp offset setting.

Temperature Offset (OFS) establishes the value of setpoint-shift (in F° or C°) applied to Setpoint (and Differential) when a (user-installed) circuit is closed between the binary input (BIN) and common (COM) terminals. The offset value may be set from 0 to 50F° or C°.

Mine isn’t the dual function (heating and cooling) model.  So if I understand correctly, I should just leave that at 0 and forget about it?

Yes. That would be a good strategy.

I will assume yours is the A419, and it would be a dual function, but it has to be setup for heating on the inside (unless you install a toggle switch to the outside). I use a 2 degree offset . . It helps somewhat with the compressor trying to hold the temp perfect which leads to increased on/ off cycling.

Correction . . I use 0 degrees OFS on the ferment chamber and 2 degree Dif  . . thought I’d better check to be sure!  :-[