Jolly Pumpkin La Parcela

Had this beer last night and enjoyed it immensely. Of course if the bottle had not told me there was pumpkin in there I would have thought it was a Saison or more precisely a Grisette. The price of admission was a little steep, but it was pretty tasty. Of course I have NEVER had a pumpkin beer where the pumpkin was showcased and I’m not convinced pumpkin in and of itself has much aroma and flavor character in finished beer.  ;D

Next to their stout, this is my favorite JP seasonal.

As with all JP beers, I can never decide whether I like them better fresh or with a year of age.

Hope you used the dregs - great bugs!

Had this beer myself for the first time the other night.  I thought it was a pretty great beer although I’ll agree the pumpkin was a little subtle.  At $8.00 for a 750, I didn’t feel it was overly expensive for a Jolly Pumpkin beer.  I would certainly buy it again.



$8? Try nearly $15 with a discount applied…

I didn’t find any pumpkin in it, of course I have never found much pumpkin in any pumpkin beer.

I had traded for it in the past, then bought one when I found it in St Louis.  Damn good stuff.  I’d love to have another bottle if I can find it locally now…

I’d love to be able to find any JP locally. No Texas distribution. I do have a bottle of Bam Noire I snuck out of Colorado.

Yeah, it’s ridiculous. I live less than an hour away from the brewery and no people 3 states over that get it cheaper than I do.