Just had the best brew day!

Got home from work early. I decided to brew. This was the BEST surprise brew day ever! Hit all my numbers spot. Got a new routine down, I was done, pitched, and cleaned up in 3 1/2 hours. No mess, or no water spilled at all. And the best part, FINALLY…I whirpooled again, and after reading some advice on here, I took my IC out. Gave it a good whipping with my wire whisk, and let it sit about 5 minutes. Instead of using my valve to drain the kettle, I used my siphon. When it was all done, there was a beautiful pile of crap, about 6 inches around, and three inches high, right in the middle of my kettle. It brought a tear to my eye. So, thanks everyone for the help. Could not have done it without you.
  Oh, I should also mention, that with my new IC, I went from boil, to 58*, in 9 minutes!! And, I am now consistently hitting 80% effcy.

How did crap get in your kettle?

Dude, it is a hell of a flurry of activity, here at “Three Taverns”, on brew day.  ;D

That is some fast chillin’ bro!  What size IC do you have?

Sweet job, I love homebrew sessions that just happen.

Got a fitty footer, of 3/8

I recently made a sixty footer of 1/2" copper…and man what a difference. Chilling went from being a PITA to a real fast chill.

Congrats on the brew day Weazle.

Please allow me a question on chillers…

I am thinking of upgrading from a 25’ 3/8ID IC to something new.  I am considering a counterflow system but now see some really good comments about larger IC’s.


I like to keep things simple, and using a pump for teh CF seems like extra work especially on the clean up end.

Saw this on the Onion today…

Aug 23 - Sep 22

Admit it: Things just haven’t been the same for you since you gave in and started wearing pants again.

What is wrong with me… Why am I posting this nonsense?

Who ever said I was wearing pants again?  :-\

Weaz are you posting pantless again? That’s a PWP violation. And I know you are not eligible for the first offenders program.

There has got to be a limit to pantless brewing especially when the temp outside peaks at 8*F…Yes that was our high temp yesterday!!  I would have been wearing several layers of pants…