just something fun

what was your favorite brew of '09.  Whatdo you feel is the most underated beer on the market right now.  Whats going to be in your fridge the most in 2010

I made a red ale that was a great beer for a gathering I had. Went quick and I know it was

Underated beer.  Cold Hop by Boulder Brewing. Tasty but I have heard nothing from even some people that like the style.

IPAs I hope. the shortage kept me from brewing too many and I would like to make up for lost time.

my favorite is usually my IPA, but in 2009 I really nailed down my Dortmunder recipe, so that takes the '09 MVB

Either Smuttynose Robust Porter or Great Lakes Elliot Ness

Looking at my records, for the past 5 years, I’ve brewed at least >30gals of my house IPA, can’t see that changing…

My favorite homebrew was either my English Bitter or Southern English Brown (finally nailed both of them!).  ;D

My favorite commercial beer was Dogfish Head PSM.  :-*

The most underated beer of the year was probably Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA?  :-\

The most overated beer of the year was definitely The Bruery’s Black Orchard for me.  >:(

Less hoppy, lower alcohol session beers & lagers in the fridge all the way around!  :smiley: