Just think of the fun you can have now that you don't have to go to GABF!

Seriously, Colorado’s pretty great. Much better than elbowing your way around a fart-filled convention center.

I wasn’t planning on it. We are making a road trip through CO, Ut, NM, and AZ later in October. You going to be open?

Just a guess, but four corners?

Well I have been there…

This is more of a larger loop, meeting friends in a couple of places.

We should be. Maybe not “open” open for the off-season, but definitely brewing.

To think I wasted that perfectly good BA members code and did not buy tickets. Maybe next year…

A fun fact, the survey was off, before GPS. The monument is in the wrong place.

Dropped Pin
near Four Corners Monument, 4 Corners Rd, Teec Nos Pos, NM 86514

Still pretty close at 10ft w and 50ft north. New Mexico should start charging folks from the other three states admission

The entire CO/NM line takes a jog of a few hundred feet SE of Pagosa. Errors from two surveying teams working from the east and west…

All those tourist shots at the 4 corners, so close, but not quite.

Good thing I wasn’t planning on going anyway.  NOLA On Tap falls that weekend, and I’m committed to judging and serving.