I’m making an I.P.A. with a target O.G. of 1.111, i dont know if the recipe is right, it’s first time i’m trying it. But, it calls for wyeast 1051 AMERICAN ALE ( 1 pack ). And after 2nd ferm., 3 days before bottling add another pack of yeast. The I.P.A.'s F.G. ending with 1.026, and peaks at 3-8 mo. The wyeast, says it has 100 billion cells, good for O.G. 1.060 or less. Should I add both packs in the beginning or hope my friend’s recipe was wrote out correctly?
Have you ever heard of piching yeast during 2nd ferm.? I know every cal. tells me to add more yeast. I would hate to over feed the yeast. What about adding Wyeast Beer Nutrient ?
You should add all your yeast at the beginning, when the conditions are more favorable for them to multiply, rather than to add them in the middle of fermentation when conditions are less favorable. For a beer like this you best bet is to brew a lower gravity pale ale and use than slurry for your super high gravity ale.
I was thinking something didn’t sound right. A 1 and 4 can get mixed up. But, putting yeast in second ferm :o Maybe his got stuck. Thanks for the advise.
I firmly believe that you can make anything you want with any ingredients you want, but if you don’t call it what it is then there’s a lack of communication. Just like you can call a pig a poodle, but no one will know what you’re talking about.
I wish… Denny sounds more like the dude than I ever could.
Although the Big Lebowski did spark a funny conversation the other week as we drove from LA to San Francisco. The whole car load of guys agreed that it was indeed ok for a man to be envious and desirous of Sam Elliot’s mustache as evidenced by the Big Lebowski.
Also, I developed a movie corollary that needs checking. I believe that in any movie that Sam Elliot appears in sans mustache, he’s a shady character or out right the bad guy. Mustache = good guy.