K-RIMS build. Two questions.

Can I avoid the limited gravity issue with a 2 vessel KRIMS setup I build myself (i.e. Blichmann BrewEasy) with 2 10 gallon vessels instead of an 8 and a 10, which Blichmann uses (for a 5 gallon batch).  Also, they use a rubber gasket system to control flow from the MT to the BK (gravity).  Could I not get the same level of control with a butterfly or other type of valve?  Not sure why they seem to use a cumbersome method to control flow with their valve wide open.  Hope this makes sense.  Thank you.

I believe those inserts are for sparging, but you can always control flow with a ball valve.

Thank you.  I didn’t want to mess around with gaskets and orifices if I could avoid it.

I ended up looking on their website. The orifice are for diffrent gpm of circulation during the mash. Not sure why gpm matters for cirulation, maybe efficiency.

I imagine the orifices allow for easy repeatability versus feathering a ball or linear valve.

The rate of circulation matters when an electric element is being used to make sure it remains covered.  Too fast of a flow rate could drain the vessel in which the element is located, inadvertently causing a dry fire failure of the element.  This can happen in any recirculation setting, including a BIAB, if the suspended bag is draining more slowly than the recirculation from below is pumping back into it…

I just adjust the valve to a slightly cracked open position and have no problems.