Keezer Build

Here are a few images of my latest beer build. I had the mahogany laying around and thought that I’d play around with the joinery. Like a rookie, I didn’t think before I drilled a hole for the temp probe in the case of the freezer, it was a bit of an eyesore and it’s good thing I didn’t hit anything important. Nothing a sticker and little sealant can’t fix. I attached the collar to the freezer with RTV but have since found that I need to reattach it with construction adhesive. I was thinking that I wanted to keep the option of returning the unit to service as a chest freezer, but I’ll go ahead and make it a more permanent install. The drip tray is held on with magnetic tape. I need to make a cleat to rest it on since there’s not enough steel for the magnets to have much of a grip on. I’m looking to keep the tray removable and NOT drill into the side of the freezer again.

IMG_1401 2 by John, on Flickr

IMG_1402 2 by John, on Flickr

IMG_1403 2 by John, on Flickr

That’s gorgeous!  Clearly not a “rookie” at some things, most of us don’t  have mahogany “lying around,” or that kind of joinery skill.  Great stroke of luck missing all the vitals drilling that hole!