Keg Availability

A buddy of mine was looking to get some kegs and it looks like availability of used ball locks is pretty slim.

More Beer is out of stock on used kegs.

Anyone know what’s up?  Have a current source?

I know prices were shooting up and I stocked up over the summer.  Or thought I did, they’re all full now though…

check out keg connection. They have availability from about 35 for unreconditioned up to 130 for new.

Thanks.  I’ll check it out.

These folks still have some. The prices have been going up and up. This is about the cheapest available right now.

Wow…remember when less the $39.95 would get you a keg that had all the rings replaced, cleaned, and polished up.

Since pin locks seem to be a little more available, is there any solution to convert a pin lock keg to accept ball lock QD’s?  Or would it be easier to just have a separate parts to hook up pin lock along side you ball locks?

Keg connection is selling converted pin locks.  I don’t know what the conversion process is, though.

I got my first kegs for $20 each…  Should’ve stocked up back then, but the 10 or eleven I’ve got should be plenty.

My local supply store announced they won’t be carrying used kegs and new kegs will increase in cost. They said it is due to a lack of new 5 gallon kegs being produced in the US and bags replacing soda kegging.

I have about a dozen, mixed between pin lock and ball lock, and I don’t think I paid for any of them. 8)

The rumor has it that China has been buying large lots of these used corny kegs for cheap only to recycle the SST.

Can anyone substantiate this claim?

I heard this years ago, but cannot substantiate it.  At least 5 years ago, probably longer.

They’re probably buying them up to build this:

I dunno I may be weird but I have 5 kegs with the whole set up tap and tank and mini fridge and I want to go back to bottling. But I Have been debating selling my equipment for kegging but all I could get for it like 100 bucks and I payed over 450 for it.

We recently made a trip through Nashville and the guys at Rebel Brewer said they’re sources were drying up.  Pretty soon they’d be selling only new kegs.

I just checked they’re site, almost fifty bucks for a used one.  It seems that either a lot of people are getting into homebrewing and the whole supply/demand thing is catching up with us(basically they can up the price, cuz they’ll know we’ll pay for it), or all the used ones are slowly leaving us…

Happily, one of my radio clients just happens to own the Dr. Pepper/ Pepsi distributorship . . Care to guess who gets all the free cornies and 20 lb. CO2 tanks they want?  :smiley:

I’ve got 8 and I don’t really have a need for more at this point in time.  But given the diminishing supply and rising prices I’m tempted to pick up a few more while I can get them at $40 a pop.


I’ll be buying some this week. It’s a dying breed. I figure the price will continue to rise.

I hear bottling is pretty cheap ;D


About 1992 soda dispensers went from C-kegs to the bagged stuff.  The 7-11 store near my friend’s pool room in Winter Park, FL had 20 ball locks sitting out in the dumpster enclosure.  The manager of the store said Pepsi had not come by to remove them, so she gave me permission to take them, or she was putting them into the dumpster.  I loaded them into my pickup and put them to good use.  I’ve given half of them away since then.  The others are still in service.

I have sixteen plus a 2.5 & 3.0. The first two were in good condition but the others I got are varying in condition. This is all I’ll ever need and usually at most 4 are in use at any given time. Time to get busy and fill some now that the cool weather is approaching. ;D Also though have watched the price go up over the years.

These guys used to have some of the cheapest kegs and would sell them in huge lots. Where I got most of mine. Now it’s like WTF!?

Though, the refurbished 10g for $169 might make a good fermenter.

Duuude. Keep them. They don’t take up much space. Bottles take up a lot of space. Stash your kegs and bottle all you want- you’ll regret parting with the setup. Promise. :wink:

It’s way too labor intensive for me but to each his own. :wink: