I brewed a Smithwick’s clone a few weeks ago. Second carboyed, cold crashed, kegged and carbonated for 7 days. Served it up last weekend and it was great. Tonight I poured a glass and it had an alcohol taste. Wondering if anyone knows what might be going on.
Any chance the keg froze? you might be getting a concentrated brew. Or you could have a wild yeast infection (tee hee) that is causing fusel alcohols to form.
or the carbonation could be dropping, has it been attached to co2 the whole time?
Leg was at 38 degrees during carbonation.was attached to co2 the whole time and don’t think there was any infection. I’m very carful with sanitation and my keg was washed and had sanitizer in it and pressurized and the sanitizer was expelled and was kept under pressure until I filled it with my brew.
Hard to pin point an alcohol taste, judging from individual pallets perception. But I will shoot in the dark here: did you purge the keg with co2 before racking? Is there any chance the beer picked up o2 during racking? Sometimes I pick up early signs of o2 problems as an alcohol-like character.