Kegging a Belgian Tripel.

I’ve had my Belgian Tripel (marc and Tess)in secondary for about 2 months at about 58 degrees. OG was 1.092 and current gravity is 1.013. Just used wort for starter of secondary yeast addition and pitched with not much activity or gurgling. FG should be 1.012. Am going to let sit for a few days before I keg.

Question is, should I force carb something this big or set it at 10 psi for a week and let it take it’s time?

Just curious what you guys would do.  I was also thinking of bottling a few 22 ozers and kegging the rest.



I always think it’s best to let it take it’s time unless there is a reason to rock and roll the keg around…

FYI: setting something at 10 psi for a week is force carbbing. I think time and pressure approach dials in much better than the charge and shake.

I would give it at least a week after the re-pitch to give the yeast a chance to drop out.

I hook all my beers up at serving pressure and shake them as often as possible for 2-3 days, then let them rest 2-3 days. (Because I fine in the keg, mostly.) My experience with trying to carb using only the head pressure is that it takes about two weeks.