Keith was right about WLP380 - weizen success

On Keith’s advice I tried 380 in my latest weizen. I’m not gonna say it’s the best weizen yeast, but this weizen is a personal best for me. Freezer was set to 64*. I’m getting a background of clove, with subtle banana up front, mixed with I wanna say stone fruit? Like apricots? Maybe I’m making that up, but whatever it is, it’s nice.

My dough-in was too thin, so I didn’t hit my temps when I added my psuedo-decoction to the rest of the mash. I spent a couple minutes in the “danger zone” but head retention is adequate. Had a lot of sulfur at bottling, but isn’t apparent in the finished beer.

For anyone interested:
50% Floor-malted Bopils
50% Colorado Red Wheat malt
13 IBUs
Soft water + CaCl to get to 50ppm Ca

Two mashes.
Wheat mash (temp between rests raised ~3-4*F/min)
75 - dough-in 5.4pH
122 - 25min
160 - 15min
boil - 20min

Pils mash
75 - dough-in pH 5.2
128 - 7min
132 - 2min (whoops)
141 - 10min (whoops again)
155 - 60min (there we go)

Carbed to 3.5 and 4 volumes.

interesting mash schedule  ::slight_smile:

so what is the thinking behind the two different mashes?

I got the idea from an interview with Kai about decoction. He called it a “psuedo decoction.” It’s an easy way to boil a lot of grain without measuring, and it’s all done in the BK, then added to the mash tun after it’s done boiling.

My wheat malt is poorly modified and has a large amount of protein. My bopils is well-modified with a normal amount of protein. By splitting it into two mashes, I can do a protein rest, sacc rest, and boil on only the part of the mash that actually needs it. Then, if I do it correctly, when I add it to the second half I’ll be in the 150-ish range, and whatever starches may have been liberated in the boil will be converted by the pils malt.

I forgot that when I had done this before, I doughed-in around 100, so doughing in at 75 threw off my estimates, and I had to scramble to boil some water to hit my temp.

You arent making up the apricot thing! Its in there!

I also blend WLP300 and WLP380. 1 Vial of each in a 5gallon batch. Its the right amount of yeast, and theyre great blended!

I thought about just posting my target mash schedule, but I don’t find posts like “I did this and everything went perfectly and the beer was great,” are that useful. I find seeing other people’s mistakes to be more educational, so there it is, warts and all.

Glad it turned out for you. I have great success with that strain over the years.

Hey Keith, what is your opinion on WLP351?  I’m just not satisfied with 300 or 380.  I want it all, banana, bubble gum and clove.  I’m tempted to use a blend as suggested above but thought I might give WLP351 a try.  BTW- Thanks for you great advice over the past few years.  I have two beers headed to NHC.

Sorry, can’t help you. I have never tried that strain. I think a lot of what you are looking for can be found by experimenting with temperature and/or blending strains. would be interested in feedback on WLP351 though