Ok, I know this post has zero to do with fermenting that delicious elixir we call wort, but it does have something to do with fermentation.
Does anyone make kimchi? That nasty, smelly, not to me by the way, Korean fermented cabbage that is mixed with other veg’s. If anyone makes it, let me know your process and recipe! I have eaten it off and on for years and recently had some and now I would like to try my hand at it.
I had a bad experience with Kimchi while stationed in Korea in the early 80(s). I never have been able to deal with it since. I had a similar experience with Tequila in the 70(s) but I have been able to enjoy a Margarita again so there may be hope for me yet.
Never made it to Korea during my enlistment. I was 7th fleet and have fond memories of Olongapo/Subic Bay. The smells tastes and aromas are forever ingrained into my taste buds and nasal passages!! LO!L Balut is the nastiest, most grotesque food that never made it past the smell test and believe me, one whiff and you’re done.