A search of the forum only came up with three hits, none of them very recent…
Has anyone tried a kveik in a barleywine? According to Garshol’s book, kveiks are acclimated to high OGs. Seems like it could be a good fit.
A search of the forum only came up with three hits, none of them very recent…
Has anyone tried a kveik in a barleywine? According to Garshol’s book, kveiks are acclimated to high OGs. Seems like it could be a good fit.
A guy in the club did use it in one, i was surprised it was only 12 dats old when i hsd it.
Go for it if you wish.
Same as Jeff - a guy in my club made a barley wine with it and we tasted it at under three weeks. No off flavors, though he intended to age some of it (bottles), to see how it went. I didn’t hear back on that as it was pre-Covid and our meetings have all been virtual since…
This sounds like an excellent experiment. I played around with Kveik a lot over the last few years but the commonest style I tried it on was “tropical” IPA.
Kviek strains are on my radar for the warm brewing months. I have always been a brew with the seasons kind of brewer. My summer brewing has always been limited to Wit and Voss appears to be tailor-made for that style.
I’ve been doing beers with Kveik in the garage the last two summers.
Barleywine recipes online are all over the place on character malts. What’d’ya think about:
RO built to Amber/Strong Balanced
90% pale ale
5% crystal 40L
5% biscuit
For an OG of 1.100
50 IBUs Golding split between FHW and late addition
90 minute boil
Best Kveik yeast available at the LHBS.
Depends a lot on what you want in the barleywine. These days barleywine runs from almost as dark as an imperial stout (but without the roasty edge) to as blond as a tripel.
I think your recipe is perfectly within the realm of what many would consider a barleywine.