Lager Won't Clear

This is my 3th brew using 100% RO water along with Bru’n Water. They all have been good beers and clear very well even without gelatin except my lager. Today is day 6 with gelatin and it is still very hazy. I can’t figure it out. My ESB cleared almost bright without any gelatin at all. Is it the yeast? ( WLP833 ) or the recipe? Canadian 2 row, along with 9% munich 3. No pic, but it looks like pea soup.

Lager Won’t Clear
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When you say “RO water with Bru’n water”, did you add any minerals back to the RO water?  What water profile did you use? Specifically, what was your Ca level?

Gelatin is very effective at removing yeast haze.  You must have something else, like a starch or protein haze.  How did you mash?  What temperature and for how long?  How was the crush?  Was it done at the LHBS?  Did you measure mash pH?