Lagunitas Hiring Software Developers?!?!?

Does anyone know why they are hiring an in-house software developer (for what appears to be a role on an established team)?

I’m nowhere near there, but the idea that a brewery would have a staff of software developers is intriguing to me.

Sounds like web development to me.

Plenty of Breweries/Wineries are fully automated.  Lots of automated sensors/valves and the like to control the brewing process.  They need someone to modify the off the shelf equipment/software to meet their needs.

The description reads to me like a web services role - little business API work, little processing of data via Python and a possible bridge to mobile device work.

Yeah that’s what it sounds like to me too. I almost wondered if they’re writing the client side stuff using responsive design/HTML5 to make a mobile app that they can then wrap in as iOS or Android package.

Anyway, sounds like a web app. Unclear if it’s a consumer related thing or some in house app they might use for sales. I just found it encouraging and intriguing that my day job might have some relevance to some breweries :slight_smile:

Sales and brand reps is my thought. Lagunitas is getting big.

Heineken having a say in how fast they are trying to grow the brand? Since they sold 50% I’ve noticed a lot mor lagunitas up north here in Canada, perhaps the developer is helping the team establish its international base