Lemon zest post fermentation

Anyone ever add fresh lemon zest to the beer post fermentation? If so, how much did you use? I was thinking the zest of one large lemon per 5 gallons. Now I’m thinking half of that. Anyone with any experience in the mater I’d appreciate your feedback.

Any worries about the lemon oil affecting the foam?
I like to make a vodka tincture for post-fermentation additions.  Then add to taste.
Sounds yummy.

Hmmm. Guess I hadn’t thought about the lemon oil. I like the vodka ticture treatment idea. If no one else chimes in I might give that a go.

My only thought is about sanitation simply because I am sure that they are covered with bacteria

(I remember in micro-biology my prof once made a comment about eating orange rind when you feel a sore throat coming on because the lactobacillus on the rind would out compete strep and keep you from getting strep throat.  Apparently it’s a similar strain to what we have in our throat or something - course he could also have been full of crap or, more likely, I was drunk and mis-heard…)

Would there be enough oil in the zest of one large lemon to wreck head retention?

Good one on the lacto in the rind though. I’m voting for the vodka tincture…

I’m not worried at all about sanitation. A good scrub and they should be fine. Heck, I even thought about a start san dunk.

FWIW this is from an old recipe I made way back when I first started brewing AG. It has ginger and lemon zest, but I always put the lemon zest in the boil. But when I made it, I didn’t have any lemons on hand.

I have done the zest tincture. I have also cut the lemons into supremes. Zest the lemon and save it. Then slice off all of the white pith so all you see is lemon flesh. Cut into the natural segments leaving the white “rind” behind. Then steep the segments in about a cup of 160 water for 10 minutes. Cool and add directly to fermenter. 4 lemons was plenty of twang for me. It turned out really well!

think i’ll try it. thanks!