Length of ferment in Fermentation Fridge

Hello all,

I am finally going to purchase a small fridge for fermentation control because of space it is a mini fridge and can only hold one carboy at a time (it’s that better then nothing).  My question is; some months I brew once a week so I have multiple brews at various stages of fermentation.  If thats the case do you think its prudent to move the first brew (completed ferment, checked three days without gravity shift) out of the fridge to a swamp cooler and have it finish its there (I usually ferment my ales for two week) or should I be patient and and let the brew finish in the fridge before I move to my next batch?  Thanks for your advice.


I do this as well, as long as you have reached your final gravity and see no further changes the yeast has done it’s job and it should be okay to move it out and make room for the next batch.


If it’s reached terminal gravity and has had a chance to condition for an extra couple of days then I would rack it off the yeast. The only reason I would leave a beer on the yeast is if it hasn’t reached terminal gravity or hasn’t dropped bight. Otherwise the beer should be kegged or bottled at that point. If you plan to do some aging or lagering then I would keg it and condition accordingly.

One of the things I’ve noticed going to a fridge from other temp control (cooler w/ice) is that the beer ferments a lot cleaner. Where before my beer would benefit from staying in the primary a few weeks to clean up all the off-flavor byproducts, with the fermentation chamber the yeast doesn’t make as many in the first place, so it conditions a lot quicker. I’d say a week in primary is probably long enough for most beers.