Let's Talk Tap Lists of our Imaginary Breweries

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “real” post, and in the past week or so, I haven’t been able to get this concept out of my head - i.e. what beers I would feature if I was independently wealthy and could open a brewery without any need to be profitable.

Full post is here, if you care to read - but it’s a super fun topic to discuss.  What would go on your list?

Three beers only plus a rotate. Those three beers would be good versions of a the crap beers nearby. So I guess an IPA, saison, and blonde.

  • Scottish 80/
    Amber Biere de Garde
    California Common
    Columbus/Amarillo/Citra IPA
    American Peach Wheat
    Ordinary Bitter
    English IPA
    Nut Brown Ale
    Imperial Red
    Dusseldorf Altbier
    American Pale

Well, since $ is no object  :slight_smile:

Pale Ale - rotating hops
IPA - rotating hops
American Brown (ala Janet’s)
Cream Ale
American/oatmeal Stout (ala Shakespeare)
Saison - rotating strains, temps
German Pils
Standard Bock

Edit - Forgot the New World Cider. Thanks, Michael.

I can’t conceive of any situation, including financial windfall, where I’d open a brewery and subject myself with dealing with the likes of you people.  ;D

But I used to put great deal of thought into my tap handles at home.  I used to be able to achieve this, but I’m slowing down my brewing.

Kolsch rotated with Helles
German Pilsner
Vienna Lager rotated with moderately hoppy American Amber
Munich Dunkel rotated with Schwarzbier
Oatmeal Stout rotated with robust porter
Saison of some sort
Double IPA
New World Cider

Lately it is more like Pils, IIPA, Altbier, Cider x3, Meadx2

If I didn’t have to worry about cash I’d brew only sour beer and mixed fermentation farmhouse beers. I’d probably have 5-6 staples and then do some seasonal releases. I’d bottle a lot of the beer and make vintages available in limited quantities on site so people would have more variety.

If I had to worry about making money first I’d start out selling canned hazy IPA to bankroll the sour and farmhouse production.

Thanks for this thread!  It was actually really helpful for me to take a few minutes to think about all this.  Here’s my dream tap lineup and extra options:

Available 24-7:
Harpy Helles
Woozy Weizen
Broken Mill Wit
Pete’s Wicked Ale (cuz hey, got the recipe!)
Zweiflussener Altbier
Principal Pale Ale (Cascade & Hallertau)
Winner IPA (usually Columbus, might change a bit)
1883 Honey Chocolate Rye Beer
Chimaybe Not Dubbel
Red Dragon Belgian Quad

Harvest Apple Ale or
Not So Hard Cider
Fiery Future VMO
Oh Ba Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Doppelbock
Off-Kilter Scotch Ale

Special Occasional Rotationals:
Yellow Snow Blonde Ale
No Frickin’ Idea Honey Brew
Manty MacMalters Scottish 80/-
1407 Cardamom Gruit
La Fin de la Fin Belgian Ale
No Porter, No Cry
Jalapeno Porter
1860 Imperial Astor Ale
MJ Tribute Belgian-British Barleywine

Now I might just need to turn this into a reality… not commercially (not yet anyway), but at home.

Looking at all of your tap lists makes me never want to go to your breweries. IMO the best breweries brew a few styles well with the occasional special. Anything past a half dozen is noise and confusion.

Monk ( Table beer )
Two Monks ( Dubbel )
Three Monks ( Tripel )
Four Monks ( Dark Strong Ale )
Helles/Helles Export
RIS Lager.

And I like to go to a place where they do everything well, not just a few.

Not to toot too loudly but most of the beers I’ve named up there above have won at least one or two medals.  Those are my top ones out of almost 150 batches, most of which will never see the light of day ever again.  To be fair, I have dumped a LOT of beer over the years.

I took license with the word ‘Imaginary’. Real world, 5 flagships and 2 rotating seasonals.

Glad people are enjoying this topic.

Eh, I got up to nine on my regulars.  Again, this is an exercise in imagination.

Now granted, things might be different on commercial equipment of which I know nothing, but when I brew at home, I can brew one or two of these recipes in my sleep.  I’ve done them many times, there is no tinkering left to do, I know exactly what I want, and I get the same result, batch in and batch out.  I’d like to think that if I was a pro, with access to better monitoring and control, I could do the same for every (non experimental) beer on the list.

If not… I probably shouldn’t be a pro, should I?

I wish more breweries would have session strength beers that aren’t IPAS that I could drink a few of and not be under the table. My tap list would definitely have a 3.5 % table saison or something like that.

There are two directions I would go. If I opened this in my current city (Portland), I would almost certainly attempt to be a British Ale specialist, as no one does that anymore. I would focus on cask ales and ciders and have ONE IPA and ONE pale yellow ale on CO2, along with a guest cider or two on CO2, but the focus would be on cask/nitro. I wouldn’t import hops, but would focus on using “cheap” hops and making modern English style ales, as well as one typical 2017 IPA.

That place would go like this:

House yeast would be WLP002 or WLP007

  1. Ordinary Bitter (~3.5% and dry-hopped)
  2. Golden Bitter (~4.2% and more malt-balanced)
  3. Pale Ale (~5.5% and balanced, moderately dry-hopped)
  4. Strong Ale (~6.5% ~14 SRM ~50 IBUs and hoppy)
  5. Typical Northwestern IPA (on cask and CO2 draft)
  6. Porter (~5.5%, on cask and nitro)
  7. Local Cider on cask
  8. Local cider on keg

If I was doing this literally anywhere but Portland, I would go for a more varied taplist and would probably use WLP007:

  1. English Golden/Summer Ale ~4% abv and 25 IBUs (might call it blonde ale or extra pale ale, and it would blend goldings with cascade and be dry-hopped) ALWAYS AVAILABLE ON CASK!

  2. Red Ale ~6% abv and 38 IBUs (80% US pale ale malt, ~12% crystal malts 10% Munich or Vienna, moderate dose of fruity whirlpool/hopback hops like Citra)

  3. Flagship IPA ~6.5% abv and 65 IBUs, 90% US pale ale malt, 5% carahell, and 5% wheat malt, hops depending on availability, but ideally Nelson Sauvin, Simcoe, and Chinook or Mosaic, Simcoe, and Chinook)

  4. Porter (always on nitro) ~6% abv and 40 IBUs (US pale ale malt, melanoidin malt, UK extra dark and dark crystal, pale chocolate malt, and midnight wheat/blackprinz/carafa, malt-forward with small amount of Willamette or similar late in the boil).

  5. Rotating IPA: (always something different, like Rye IPA, Black IPA, or Session IPA).

  6. Seasonal Ale: Regular rotating seasonal ales (Summer Belgian Ale - possibly just the English Golden Ale fermented with a different yeast and not dry-hopped, Fall American Brown Ale, Winter American Strong Ale - maybe a bulked up version of the Red Ale, Spring Pale Ale - probably a 35 IBU “single hop” beer brewed with a similar base as the Flagship IPA, but at a lower gravity.[/li][/list]

  7. Experimental Beer: something different, brewed in a pilot system OR one of the standard beers with something extra (e.g., coffee porter, Dry-Hopped Red, etc), or where leftover seasonals get poured till they are done.

  8. Extra Nitro Tap (Porter will always be available on nitro and off, and another beer will be rotate on nitro)

  9. Extra Cask Ale (EGA will always be on cask and regular, but another beer will also be served on cask - the cask ales will be kept in a different fridge at a warmer temperature than the other beers, but will have a CO2 mechanism purging any air out of the firkins).

I get asked by friends and acquaintances all the time if I’d ever open a brewery. My answer is always “hell, no”, because the last thing I’d want is to turn my hobby that I do for relaxation into a business that I run to keep a roof over my family’s head.

That said, I’ve often had the thought that if I had to do it, I’d do something unique to set myself apart. In particular, I’d follow a brewpub model, but I’d go with a Viking theme and make it a meadery instead. The tap list would be mainly carbonated hydromels in the vein of Zombie Killer from B. Nektar, plus a few guest taps from local breweries. There would be a couple of moderate-strength, bottled options for wine drinkers, and a sweet dessert-wine style mead or two. Plus, some non-alcoholic, honey-based beverages for the kids.

Of course, with the price of honey you’d likely go bankrupt with a “Meadhall and Grill” business model. But it would be cool…

Meadhall and grill… that is amazing.  You’d have to charge a fortune, though.

Or own several hundred (thousand?) beehives.

I have been infatuated with British beer for the last little bit. I have even made some beers pretty much to fill out just such an imaginary roster:

80/- Scottish Export

English IPA
Best Bitter

English Brown (my recipe is spiced with vanilla, cacao nibs and a hint of cinnamon)

Burton Ale
Old Ale
Scottish Double Brown Stout

If I had any on year round it would probably be the Best Bitter.

Yeah, especially when you’re looking at 5 different yeast strains. For example, I have never had a good (or even decent) saison from an American brewery that doesn’t make (essentially) nothing but saison. I can count with two fingers the number of good Bavarian-style weissbiers I have had brewed in America. And I only know of one brewery who consistently uses three or more different yeast strains and isn’t garbage (and that’s Sierra Nevada - who is too big to really compare to).

Honestly, I don’t know what percentage of American-made Belgian ales actually taste good, but I reckon it’s around 2-3%. And they usually are particularly crappy on tap. I would respect a brewery that made really good lagers, but typically a lager specialist is also brewing 5 terrible beers called some kind of “IPA.” Most small breweries that put out lagers aren’t putting out good lagers, though. I don’t know if any professional brewery on earth makes great lagers, Belgian ales, and hoppy American ales, but the yeast management would be a big hassle for a smallish brewery to manage. I would probably stick to one house yeast with 1-2 batches brewed out of another yeast strain per year. That way the in-house yeast propagation would be just one strain. I’ll bet a single pitch of a different strain could be had from another brewery for free or for trade.

Dry yeast is cheap, effective, never goes bad, consistent, and is pretty dang high quality these days (at least most of 'em).  Anyway, the OP said money was no object.  With money, you could manage all the yeast in the world.


I feel like there needs to be some limit of some sort…else I’d just have all the beers…

Before I write a list I’m going to self-limit myself to one establishment, with two bars, each bar having 5 taps.

Bar 1 - Social beers
Mild (cask)
Best Bitter (cask)
Porter/stout (cask)

Bar 2 - Specialty beers
Rauchbier (Schlenkerla on cask?)
Imperial Stout (cask)
American IIPA
Belgian seasonal tap (Saison, Dubbel/trippel for Lent/Easter, Golden Strong ale, etc.)
Other seasonal tap (Maibock in spring, Hefeweizen in the summer, American Brown Ale in the fall, etc.)