Lippia graveolens

I know this is going to be a bit of a stretch, but does anybody have any Lippia graveolens (Mexican Oregano) growing in their yard?  There are some other plants that are sometimes called Mexican Oregano, I’m just looking for this one.  I want to grow it as a house plant since it’s too cold where I live, and the online sources end up at $20+ for a tiny plant when you include shipping.  So before I drop the cash I thought I’d try here.  Looking for seeds or a small plant.

$20?!?  Is it Mexican Oregano or “Mexican Oregano”?  Does it come from Acapulco or something?

It’s obviously not the same as fresh, but you can get dried Mexican Oregano from Penzeys.

It’s just a different kind of oregano.  Mexican Oregano is Lippia graveolens, Cuban Oregano is Plectranthus amboinicus, and Greek Oregano is Origanum vulgare.

Thanks for the link, the problem is their minimum order is $19.50 and they want $17.75 for shipping.  So it’s $40 from them.  If they were local I’d just go buy one, but none of the local nurseries carry it.  Maybe I can get them to order one for me, it might be cheaper.

I would look for seed companies like Burpees’s and start them from seed.

I’ve looked everywhere I can think of, no one seems to sell seeds.  If you know of a place, please let me know.

I’m going to look around locally because… well because. Mexican oregano is ubiquitous around here. Tom if I can find seeds I will send you some.

Shoot an email to Burpee, Park and Victory Seeds. Ask them if they can direct you to the proper source.
I’m sure one of them can help you.

Thanks euge, let me know if you have any luck.

I’ve checked their websites blues, they don’t have them listed.  I haven’t contacted them though, good idea.  Thanks.