Live Stream Brewing? - Yes

Hi All!

I have recently been invited to do a show on my sister and brother-in-laws twitch channel.  For those of you that don’t know, Twitch is a website used for streaming live video games for the most part, but they do have a creativity section as well.  I will be brewing on Saturdays from 2pm est until completion ~5hours.  I don’t claim to know everything, I certainly don’t at that!  I’m just trying to bring attention to homebrewing and get people excited about it and into it and answer any questions beginners might have.  I am looking at this as a learning opportunity, not only for my viewers, but also (and especially) myself.  I hope to be challenged by questions that will force me to look things up.

If this sounds like something you might enjoy, I invite you to follow me at Twitch on Saturday’s beginning at 2pm EST.  I’m also on Twitter @hoptopicsbrew and Instagram @hoptopics.  I hope to see you there, I think this will be a lot of fun!
